who's intimus title-gif

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

ok - who i am?

normally, i stay not in the net. i live at
lucerne in switzerland.

no, i've nothing to do with nazisme or jewish money/gold. why our government has waitet so long? i don't know. also i think, it's absolute necessary, that this part of history should be worked off, asap! let's unterstand the past of our grand parents and do the right thing for.

but let's talk about this web site. if you like it, refer also to the following page: my page at home... (in german, with video and links to video festivals and sites of real video artists).

and maybe, you will send me some ideas or helpful details to make it better? i would be happy to hear from you!

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little

hello!-anim-gif little